Melanie loves to help out in the kitchen. Whether it be cooking or washing dishes. I think most of the water always ended up on her! I'm thankful for the time Melanie and I spend together in the kitchen.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Let's Do Dishes
Melanie loves to help out in the kitchen. Whether it be cooking or washing dishes. I think most of the water always ended up on her! I'm thankful for the time Melanie and I spend together in the kitchen.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Chicos Guapos!
Here they are!!! Roy and Greg! We were in a little bar that looked like a cave in Nogales and after that one, we went to another one! Greg is always so colorful, don't you think? We had a great time shopping and trying to make deals with the shop merchants. I wonder what our next big adventure will hold in store for us!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Chicas Locas
Kathy Carnine and I have been taking, what we call, "big adventures" since the 90's! Sometimes, it would be just the two of us; sometimes we include others with us! This time, we took Roy and Greg with us to Nogales, Mexico! Interesting little town with some great margaritas! I do believe it is time for us to take another "big adventure".
Friday, May 28, 2010
Visit to Mission Santa Ynes
One of the best things about road trips is taking in the local history. When you think of Solvang, do you think of missions? I think of Danish butter cookies, split pea soup, and wine. But, one of the California Missions is located there. Mission Santa Ynes! I love the picture of Heather by the fountain in the courtyard. We should have done this mission when they had to do mission reports!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Trip to Solvang
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Magic Mountain Memories, page 4
The final page of Magic Mountain. Look at my baby girl.....she is so dramatic! I think it was really hard to "fly" that plane! The other two girls in the photos are our nieces Tammy and Tina. They are both moms and Tina is also a grandmother! That is so hard to believe! Saw a photo of Tammy recently and she still looks like a teenager!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Roy and Diane 1979
Monday, May 24, 2010
Magic Mountain Page 2
Here is page two of Magic Mountain. 1979, how long ago was that? LOL! It's hard to believe that all of these little kids are all grown-up, with jobs, families and mortgages! Oh for the simple days. I wonder if any of them would so something different with their lives? Again, we had such a great time at Magic Mountain.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Magic Mountain 1979
It's 1979 and we are spending the day at Magic Mountain! We had a lot of fun being with Heather and our nieces and nephews. Here are Trevor and Tracy Jenkins with Heather . What a great bunch of kids! I can't believe how much time has passed since that trip! Sometimes I wish we could go back in time and relive those days.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Little Rudy
These are Little Rudy's official one-year old photos. I love how happy he looks, wide smile and look at his eyes! He was enjoying having his photos taken. I think it was only because of all of the "props"! I was fortunate to be there on that day with Brenna and Rudy. I am looking forward to his third birthday! Where did the time go???
Friday, May 21, 2010
Here We Go!
Little Rudy and Isabel loved driving the little car we have at our home! This was taken during their Christmas visit in 2008. It was so much fun to watch them while Isabel was driving. Rudy was being a good sport and let her take the wheel back then......the next time they were her (summer of 2009), he wanted to do the driving! How about those crazy hats! Brenna and her little ones weren't use to the cold winters of Southern California! LOL
Thursday, May 20, 2010
But you've got to have friends!
Heather and her friends back around 1999 hanging out in our backyard! Relaxing and visiting with good people helps to make life good. Abby and Jamie have been friends of Heather's for quite a while (junior high and high school). The other three rounding out the group are Hector, Stephanie (Heather traveled to Europe with her) and Miguel.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dancing in the Streets!
Melanie was having a great time just dancing in the streets of ToonTown. What is that saying? "Dance like no one is watching..........well, she was doing that. Sometimes I wish I could just break into song and dance and not worry about what people will think. Wait a minute....sometimes I do do that! LOL
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sweet Smile
I did this layout using the Workshop on the Go, "Cherry-o". If you look at Melanie's shirt, there are cherries on it, so how cool that cherries are on the page! The photos were taken in 2008, in our backyard and at Disneyland. It was a fun page to make! What a happy, sweet smile on Mel's face!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Fun at the Mall
At the Montclair Plaza there are little kiddie rides near Macy's. We were waiting for the stores to open and Melanie thought it would be fun to try out the rides. Makes you think back to the day when all you wanted to do was to ride the horse at the grocery store! And, I think it was only a nickel!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Heather and Jamie!
Heather and Jamie have been friends since junior high! What a wonderful friendship they have. Here they are helping out at Michael's 5th birthday in 1988! They were my helpers that day; cutting the cake, helping with the games and putting together the Lego kits! HA HA!!! And the other photo is one of them taken when they were 25 years old....Jamie is Heather's sister from another "mister"....I saw that on someone's page and have been waiting to use it! I know they will be friends forever!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Little Princesses, page 2
Just a few more photos of Melanie and her best friend, Kaitlyn at the Princess Party! Little girls do enjoy dressing up as princesses!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Princess Party
Stephanie's friend, Jessica, told us about a "Princess Party" they were having at the Disney Store. The little girls would be taught the skills they needed to become a "princess". So, off we went on a Saturday morning. You didn't have to wear a princess dress but every little girl there was dressed in their Disney best! It was quite cute to see them all taking their lessons very seriously!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First Day of Preschool 2009
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Diane 1978
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Disneyland 1981
I have this habit of insisting that we take a souvenir photo whenever we go on an outing. And here is proof of one of those outings! We took Heather to Disneyland without her baby sister, Brenna back in 1981. Roy was looking at the layout and couldn't remember even going. That is another reason why I steer my groups towards the souvenir photographer; you have to have the evidence of the memory.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dinner in Vegas
It's always a treat to have a tasty dinner when you go to Vegas. We had our dinner at Paris, for the life of me I can't remember the name of the place. I do remember that I ordered escargot. Corrina wasn't that impressed with that appetizer! After dinner, we headed back to Harrahs and caught the show in the Comedy Club. So, I would say that a fantastic meal, company and great laughs make a weekend in Vegas a must! I'm ready to go again!!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mel and Grandma's Glasses
Look how large Melanie's eyes look while she's wearing my glasses! I wonder if they make my own eyes seem larger and more alert! LOL, I doubt it. I can remember wearing my grandmother's glasses when I was a child. Everything seemed as though I was in a "fun house", the floors seemed to move and everyone looked strange! I wonder what Melanie saw? I'll have to ask her.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Viva Las Vegas!
A weekend in Las Vegas with girlfriends is a blast!!! We stayed at Harrah's, thanks to friends with points! Gambling wasn't always the main event of the day! In the top photo, we are at the Bellagio. It's fun to check out other hotels on the Strip. In the other photo, we are at the outlet mall enjoying shots that Corrina bought for all of us (except for Karen). A great day was had by all and a fun evening coming up!
Friday, May 7, 2010
What's so good about parties?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
El Perico
El Perico was one of our favorite restaurants for quite a few years. We still enjoy it but the cost of their Cadillac Margarita is more than a meal! we are in front of the "original" El Perico back in 2004. It was a small place and became quite a popular dining spot for the Upland area. They now have a much larger site and still the best guacamole in town!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Party's Over!
Just some more party faces. Here are Roy, Michael and Stephanie. It is always a special evening when you are able to surround yourself with loved ones. Let's have another party!!!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Family & Friends, Page 2
Page two of "Family and Friends" shows some of the fun everyone was having. Playing music, singing, visiting and enjoying grown-up beverages! It was a great evening to be had by all. A fantastic celebration hosted by Anna and Scott!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Family & Friends, page 1
We are still celebrating Heather's 30th!!! Here is page 1 of "Family & Friends". That's the perfect combo for a perfect party! One of my favorite songs is "Holiday" by Madonna...come on let's celebrate!!!! I love how everyone looks so happy in the pictures! They all love Heather!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Heather and Friends
Heather's 30th birthday will be the focus of my next series of pages! It was just yesterday that we were celebrating her very special birthday. Ok, maybe not just yesterday LOL and this week she will be having her birthday fete in North Carolina. I hear Isabel is going to make her a chocolate cake and that butterflies will be the theme of her party! Heather's wonderful friends, Anna and Scott, hosted her 30th. Here are Madison (Anna's daughter) and her very dear friend from high school, Abby. Heather and Abby look the same as they did back in their teen years.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
My Grandparents 50th Anniversary
Here are my grandparents at their 50th Wedding Anniversary (1977). They were the best grandparents a grandchild could ever want. My grandma was the "boss" of the entire family and my grandpa was a quiet man. It was so much fun to listen to her tell him what to do and he would say, "Oh God night".......and then he would do whatever she wanted. They were very loved and they are very missed!
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